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Quitting Smoking:

"What Advantages do Tobacco Alternatives Offer? "

Every smoker will admit that quitting smoking is hard. Their brains are used to having nicotine and other addictive. Maintaining a daily routine that no longer includes tobacco smoking or vaporing is always accompanied by mental issues, including a variety of withdrawal symptoms. These mental issues can be potentially dangerous and unpleasant, forcing them to visit their doctors or resorting to going back to smoking. Tobacco-free and nicotine-free alternatives are reliable in facilitating the cessation or reduction of cigarette use. A study by NCBI researchers reveals that, since 2006, there has been a rise in the number of alternative tobacco products in the U.S. market, including dissolvable, snus and electronic cigarettes. These products help smokers to continue smoking while avoiding inhaling or consuming nicotine. In addition, vaping does not produce tar and carbon monoxide, two harmful elements that damage the lungs and heart. At Cbdepod, we are committed to helping smokers leverage these benefits by providing a wide array of tobacco-free and nicotine-free cigarettes, e-liquids and flavorings. Take control of your life by visiting our shop today!

Tobacco Smoking in the U.S.A.

The United States is one of the countries with the highest tobacco smoking prevalence rate. By 2020, CDC reported that nearly 13 of every 100 American adults smoke cigarettes. In this regard, over 30.8 million American adults are smokers. Tobacco smoking is harmful to nearly every organ of the body. It is one of the leading causes of stroke, lung disease, heart diseases, cancer, stroke and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). It increases the risk for problems with the immune system, eye diseases, dental problems, and tuberculosis. It can also lead to death. Nearly 16 million Americans are currently struggling with smoking-related diseases. Over the years, there has been a significant reduction in the number of smokers. For instance, according to CDC, nearly 15 in every 100 adults were smoking tobacco in 2018, which is almost 50 years since the first report on the health consequences of smoking was released. The reduction is attributed to consistent and coordinated efforts by individuals, families, schools, communities, public health systems, and other partners. Smoking tobacco is no longer seen as fun, it is a danger to the smoker’s health and wellness. We are glad to be part of the companies helping drive this change. Our products build a healthier and happier society by helping smokers become tobacco-free.